
Darren Henry MP's further update on flooding

I was out in Broxtowe over the weekend meeting with many residents affected by the awful flooding. I am in regular contact with local authorities and will continue to provide information when possible.

Darren Henry MP's Attenborough Floodgate Update

Attenborough Floodgate Update

Earlier today I was contacted by local Nottinghamshire County Councillor, Eric Kerry, who explained that residents were very concerned that floodgates at Attenborough had not been closed.

Darren Henry MP's Statement on Trowell Flooding

I have just been down to Trowell Road, Stapleford, near Boundary Brook, where the flooding is very bad for local residents. If you are affected by the floods in the area, then Trowell Parish Hall is open for those needing a warm space.

Darren Henry MP #woreitpink

Today I #woreitpink in support of #BreastCancerAwarenessMonth, please do so on Friday! It is so important that we are all checking ourselves for signs of irregularity. For more information please look here:

Darren Henry MP hosts his third annual Jobs Fair

I held my third annual Jobs Fair. The event is always a fantastic opportunity to match up national and local employers with constituents young and old looking for employment and apprenticeship opportunities. The Fair had a fantastic turn out with hundreds of attendees!

Darren Henry MP's Statement

Today the Prime Minister announced he is not going ahead with future plans for HS2. However, that money will instead be spent, in its entirety, on transport and infrastructure.

Darren Henry MP holds a Macmillan Coffee Morning

This morning I held a Coffee Morning in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support. Thank you to all those who popped in and donated to this incredibly important charity. My Team introduced a ‘guess the number of caterpillars in this picture’ game and was delighted that Jake got the number exactly correct!