So far, we have secured £16.5 million through the Kimberley Levelling Up bid and £21.1 million for the Stapleford Towns Deal. We have also secured new community resources, such as a Banking Hub in Stapleford.
I have fought for Tim’s Law to go through Parliament in order to improve Shared Parental Leave. I have held Jobs Fairs and we have secured funding for Chilwell School from the School Rebuilding Programme. Four more schools in Broxtowe will benefit from Government investment.
We are investing over £1.3 billion to improve the QMC and City Hospitals. I am fighting for increased Mental Health support across Broxtowe and have provided devices to organisations across Broxtowe to help tackle loneliness. Continuing to engage with local GPs to ensure they have all they need.
We have reached our target of having more police officers on our streets. The Government has delivered its 2019 manifesto promise to recruit 20,000 new police officers. I hold regular meetings with our Neighbourhood Police Inspector making sure police priorities are tackled locally.
We are increasing transport connectivity across Broxtowe. We have secured funding to transform Beeston Railway Station. And ensured bus rates stay at a two pound price cap until at least December 2024- to keep public transport affordable.
Expanding opportunities for walking, wheeling and cycling around Broxtowe. We have opened a brand-new Cycle Hub and Training Track. We will complete the Eastern Ramp at Bennerley Viaduct to restore access to this structure.